How To Secure fake WhatsApp URL that claims to change color theme, it’s an adware - Hacking-News&Tutorial


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Tuesday 3 April 2018

How To Secure fake WhatsApp URL that claims to change color theme, it’s an adware

We all know how popular is WhatsApp is. Basically, as it is one of the most popular chat messaging applications in the world many tricksters and cybercriminals use the WhatsApp platform to scam people as well as unknowingly installing unwanted applications or malware.
And further, the scam messages also tell us to forward the messages to our friends. While most of the users have been aware of these types of fraud messages, it seems every now and then some new type of scam messages pop up on the platform or on the internet online.
That being said, now a new scam has just started on the internet where a website is now offering people to try and customize WhatsApp in different colors.
As usual, the scam begins with a fake URL and when clicked on the link it directs users not to WhatsApp’s official website but to a different web page or website. According to a report by The Next Web, it seems the domain makes use of characters from Cyrillic alphabet. Most users actually think that it is the official website.
In any case, the website provides various instructions that users should follow in order to change their WhatsApp colors. Users will need to share its link with their friends for verification. However, the message that is shared appears as “I love the new colors for WhatsApp” along with the URL of the fake website.
So basically, users are made to install adware apps. Then they are informed that the WhatsApp colors can be changed by visiting the WhatsApp Web page. Users are further instructed to install an extension called ‘BlackWhats’. Google has now removed the extension from the store.
What we can learn from this is that it is very important to be aware and not fall for such cheap trick or scam. It is better to first analyze the message before clicking on any suspicious link. Further, WhatsApp might not be able to stop such messages from circulating by itself but users should try to avoid these kinds of situations by being aware.

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